who Was King James?

James was crowned king of Scotland when he was just 13 months old. He also became king of England and Ireland in 1603, when he was 36, after Queen Elizabeth I died without any children.

James I

James I

Ruled Scotland 1567–1625

Ruled England, Ireland, and Scotland 1603–1625

Cool Facts
King James did not write or translate any part of the Bible that bears his name.

James’s mother and grandfather, the previous rulers of Scotland, had also been crowned as babies.

James was an excellent student and had a lifelong love of learning. He studied history, political theory, theology, languages, geography, and mathematics. He also liked sports such as hunting and golf.

In 1590, King James wrote a poem in Latin for his wife, Anne, when she was crowned queen of Scotland. He also wrote a Latin poem for his son Prince Henry.

King James was known for his sense of humor. Many of his funny and witty sayings were collected into books and published.

In King James’s lifetime, the letter I was often used for J, so his name would be spelled Iames!

James enjoyed the arts. Many new plays were performed during his reign—including William Shakespeare’s Macbeth!
